Manage Your Time.
Manage Your Life.
3 hours | 10:00am - 1:00pm
Details to join the ZOOM room will be supplied on registration.

Are you struggling to manage your time effectively in lockdown?
Learn how to organise your time (and your mindset) to get more done.
COVID has made us re-evaluate the way we do EVERYTHING. Especially our tasks, productivity and enjoyment. Mastering the hours and creating structure in this new work from home routine, can be overwhelming and tough to navigate.
This course will help you:
- Achieve more
- With less stress, and
- More success and efficiency.
You can earn more money, but you will never get more time.
Are you ready to take control of your time?
The success strategies you'll learn will help you organise your time and your mindset to improve your productivity and work/life satisfaction.
Learn how to:
By the time we conclude, you'll be able to:
If you're ready to stop wasting time – and to take back control of your time – this is the course for you.
Come and join me. See how easy it can be to organise your time (and your mindset) to get more done and be brilliant now.
"Thank you. I learnt new techniques, was reminded of a few and to be honest, I was totally blown away by how much impact my mindset has."
"The course flowed, and I now have a new sequence of techniques to follow. Thank you for making it so easy to follow and put into practice."
"I've never put 2 and 2 together as to why I wasn't achieving my goals. Now I know exactly why and what to do about it."
"It was very different from what I expected. I thought the content would be very dry and was impressed by how engaging, practical and powerful it was. It was so much more than I expected. Thank you."
Our Masterclasses are designed to give you:

I produced this program for Caroline, who wrote, “I have worked with Julie-Anne over quite a few months and never experienced such personal insight and growth. With Julie-Anne’s careful and loving guidance, my life has moved profoundly. She nurtured my heart, challenged my mind, questioned my assumptions and offered me her wisdom. Coaches are everywhere. Great coaches are rare, and Julie-Anne is in the realm of the truly amazing!”
And for Andrew, who said, "The results were mind-blowing! Before Julie-Anne, I had always struggled with my confidence and to think on my feet and trust my instincts. So when Julie-Anne showed me how to use my body and mind to focus on the successful completion of the outcome, I was blown away with how powerful it was.”
Knowing that these and thousands more creative entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, just like you, are now making a massive difference sharing their best work in the world because they not only found the courage, they set new standards, defied the odds, and stepped up. And I am so grateful that I could play a pivotal role in helping them take centre stage and be brilliant now.